Three Facts About Grubs

So today, let's talk about our grub control lawn service.

 Do you need grub control on your lawn? This is something that people Google quite a lot from time to time as they look at how to maintain their properties.

 These quick facts will tell you more about whether you need this type of treatment for your lawn.


Grubs Eat Grass Roots

 The grub is the larva of the scarab beetle, and it likes to munch on grass roots. So if you want to protect a developing lawn area, you'll want this type of coverage.

 “White grubs feed on the roots of corn, timothy, Kentucky bluegrass, sorghum, soybean, strawberry, potato, barley, oat, wheat, rye, bean, turnip, and to a lesser degree, other cultivated crops,” writes an author team at ScienceDirect. “They also infest various pasture grasses, lawns, and nursery plantings. The adults are strongly attracted to fragrant flowers and ripe fruits, and feed on the foliage of forest, shade, and fruit trees.”

 Because North America is one place that you can find these pests, the industry has come up with some solutions to mitigate grub damage, and people routinely pay professional teams to have their yards treated. 


Grubs Like a Temperate Climate

 Grubs like a temperate climate so if you're in the Mid-Atlantic or anywhere in the middle of the US that has four seasons, you might need this kind of service.


Trichlorfon Kills Grubs

 The formulations that pest control product makers have put together will kill the larvae so that you don’t have an infestation happening in your own backyard. That’s a relief to some homeowners who just aren’t ready to do battle with these scarabs. 

 With grub control, the whole thing is about an early intervention that happens before the insect reaches adulthood.

So much lawn care is like that, in a way. The solutions are supposed to be implemented before the problems visibly exist – so that way, you are a step ahead of whatever challenges you're facing with your property.

In this case, the routine treatment involves coverage of a specific area of ground with grow control pellets. It's not extraordinarily complex but having the right equipment and tools makes everything more efficient. So we offer this as part of our overall service model.

Ask us about how to get the best outdoor services for your property. We help property owners to really have peace of mind about keeping their exterior areas in great condition, and sticking with them for the long haul. 



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